Acupuncture is a method of needling and can be used to treat many diseases such as chronic pain. Needling the acupuncture point activates the transmission from the brain to the spinal nucleus, thalamus, sensory cortex, periacuaductal neurons and activates the pain control system. Acupuncture stimulation stimulates endorphinergic and encephalinergic neurons, which are associated with the cortex and hypothalamus. Through synaptic connections, serotonergic neurons in the bulb are activated. It should be recognized that the basic law of homeopathy, the law of similimum, means that the frequencies of the homeopathic remedies match the frequencies of the patient. The disease-causing photons are canceled or missing photons are added by the resonance effect until the normal frequency pattern is restored. The aim of this book chapter is to describe the combined use of acupuncture and homeopathy in chronic neuropathic pain.