Editors: Teresa A. Oliveira, Mustafa Tevfik Hebebci
Editors: Kağan BÜYÜKKARCI, Ahmet ÖNAL
Editors: Fatma Nur TAKI, Sabri KOÇER, Resul BÜTÜNER
Editors: Hakan GÖKMEŞE, Şaban BÜLBÜL, Yusuf UZUN
Editors: Fatma Zerrin SALTAN, Hüseyin ARIKAN, Yusuf UZUN
Editors: Christopher Dignam, Mustafa Tevfik Hebebci
Editors: M.Hanefi CALP, Resul BUTUNER
Editors: Huseyin Arıkan, Yusuf Uzun, Ibrahim Cetin
Editors: Sabri Kocer, Ozgur Dundar
Editors: Prof.Dr. Haydar YÜKSEK Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat BEYTUR
Editors: Yusuf Uzun, Resul Butuner
Editors: Özkan Akman, Faysal Okan Atasoy, Tahir Gür
Editors: Dr. S. Ahmet Kıray, Dr. Elizabeta Tomevska-Ilievska
Editors: Dr. Mehmet Ozaslan Dr. Yasmeen Junejo
Editors: Muhammad Zayyad, Atilla Ayaz Unsal
Editors: Dr. Mack Shelley, Dr. S. Ahmet Kiray
Editors: Dr. Özkan Akman, Dr. Mustafa Murat Çay, Dr. Fatih Bozbayındır
Editors: Dr. Mack Shelley, Dr. S. Ahmet Kiray
Editors: Dr. Mack Shelley, Dr. Mustafa Pehlivan
Editors: Mack Shelley, S. Ahmet Kıray, Ismail Celik
We are pleased to invite you to ISRES conferences, which will be held at Obuda University/Budapest/Hungary on August, 28-31, 2025. The following conferences will be held in Budapest/Hungary:...
ISRES Spring Conferences - Trabzon/Turkiye SOCIAL SCIENCES – May 1-4, 2025, Trabzon, Türkiye * 5th International Conference on Social Science Studies - IConSoS2025 ...
We are pleased to invite you to our conferences, which will be held at University of Peja Haxhi Zeka on July, 10-13, 2025. The following conferences will be held in Peja/Kosovo: - 7th Internat...