The sheet metal forming processes are investigated. While in the past years, sheet metal die manufacturing was done by trial-and-error method, today, with the development of technology, the process can be modeled and simulated in the computer environment using the finite element method (FEM), even before the forming process is carried out. Problems in sheet metal forming processes such as tearing, necking, wrinkling and springback may occur during sheet metal forming processes. The occurrence of any of these or a combination of these makes the sheet metal useless, and these defects are the factors that define the deformation limit. During the stretching process, the sheet thins first uniformly and then regionally, and a regional thinning band known as necking occurs in the sheet. Sheet metals can only be formed up to certain limits without damage. Models have been developed to predict material behavior in forming operations. The forming limit curves are the most important technique for determining the sheet metal forming behavior. In this section, how fld graphics are obtained is explained in detail.