Abstract: In this paper the development of the social networking’s framework of the ‘Grand Training Program’ for Science Teachers of Secondary Education by the Greek PI is presented, as developed by the trainer and trainees in Mytilene. The research is a reflection case study on the training process applied to Science teachers of Secondary schools with synthesis of personal narrative of trainer and the archival material of the Program. The research aimed to those characteristics of teachers’ training that made it an integral part of the education and training, simultaneously happening in many schools of Lesbos and others of Greece. The research highlighted the Web2.0 technologies exploited in science teachers’ training giving to the school education evolutional extensions to Edu2.0. sub-queries were about 1. Networking supports teachers’ learning, 2. Structuring a network for knowledge and information sharing, 3. Connectivity for the professional development of teachers, 4. Delivery of digital educational material and methodology for teaching Sciences. Trainees learned new techniques and methods of science teaching and applied, firstly among themselves, and then everyone in the classrooms, with his/her students, they wrote the evaluation and reflection of their training and teaching activities, published ideas, thoughts, feelings and comments of satisfaction on their Facebook wall for the 200 and more hours spent participating to the unprecedented service training of GTP.