The internet, which has become an indispensable part of our lives, is rapidly developing and changing with each passing day. In parallel with the development of the Internet, the expected development in the Web is also observed. The first web technologies that entered our lives along with the emergence of the Internet consist of simple, plain, read-only content and are called Web 1.0 (Parsa, 2009; Dominic, Francis & Pilomenraj, 2014). In Web 1.0 technologies, there are websites where the flow of information is unidirectional, the content is limited and created by a content provider, and users can only access the provided subject (Park, 2013; Thomas & Li, 2008). Due to the limited use of Web 1.0, Odabaşı et al. (2012) named Web 1.0 users as contentdependent passive readers.